Hello SANCA Students and Parents!
I’m writing to provide you an update about COVID-19 and SANCA’s efforts in response. Our top priority is the health of all of our students, staff, and community members.
As of today, SANCA remains open for regular classes. We follow Seattle Public Schools; when they shut down due to weather, SANCA also shuts down. As of now, our plan is to follow Seattle Public Schools in regards to COVID-19.
Our efforts to combat the spread of the virus are as follows:
1. SANCA requires that all coaches and students wash their hands before and after each class.
2. SANCA requires that any staff member or student who is experiencing any symptoms (cough, sore throat, runny nose, fever) of any kind, no matter how mild, stays home and does not come to SANCA.
3. Beginning Monday March 9, we are ramping up our efforts to disinfect surfaces, equipment, door handles, etc. Our approach will be to disinfect everything daily. HOWEVER, we don’t have the capacity to do this with staff only, so we are seeking volunteers to assist with this effort. Please email me if you would like to volunteer for this.
4. Beginning Monday March 9, we are asking all coaches to disinfect surfaces and equipment used immediately after each class.
Regarding #3 and #4, even with these efforts, we understand that it’s impossible to catch everything. This is why we have elected to support our students with class credit if you are not comfortable coming to class due to concerns about the spread. This is not the typical SANCA policy; however, this is not a typical situation. If you are missing class due to COVID-19 and wish to receive credit, please email [email protected] in advance of your class. Please do not call the office for this request, as we are currently in the midst of enrollment and our phone lines are very busy.
If you wish to support SANCA during this time, you may elect to donate your class credit back to support us. Additional donations to support SANCA are greatly appreciated, especially given the potential lost revenue SANCA may incur as we ramp up our response.
New updates about SANCA’s policy in regards to COVID-19 will be posted on our website and sent out to all students by email.
John Tannous
Executive Director

Our staff and students disinfecting surfaces: