SANCA has announced a new COVID-19 Health and Safety Policy. It is updated and goes into effect as of May 8, 2022. The Policy is based on updated guidance and requirements from King County Public Health, the State of Washington, and the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
School for Acrobatics and New Circus Arts
COVID-19 Health & Safety Policy
SANCA is going above and beyond the recommendations of public health organizations to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and surrounding community. Below is our updated policy based on the most recent publications from King County Public Health, the State of Washington, and the CDC
Despite the State of Washington no longer mandating masks for indoor businesses, all persons who enter SANCA are required to wear masks that cover face and nose.
The only exceptions to this rule are as follows:
- For staff and students, masks may be temporarily removed when drinking water.
- For staff, masks may be temporarily removed when eating (students are not permitted to eat inside SANCA’s facility).
- For staff when inside an enclosed room and isolated, masks may be temporarily removed.
- Students and visitors to SANCA will be asked to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of arrival at SANCA.
- Proof of vaccination can be presented as:
- A original COVID 19 vaccination card
- A copy or photograph of the vaccination card on a mobile device
- A print out of a Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form from the WA State Immunization Information System
- Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination or QR Codes from,, or another WA State endorsed partner mobile app.
- As an alternative to providing vaccine verification, prior to entry individuals over 12 must provide digital or printed documentation from a testing agent, including a laboratory, health care provider, or pharmacy of a negative FDA-approved PCR test administered within the previous 72 hours, or
- If a PCR test cannot be acquired in advance of arrival, students will be asked to take an FDA approved rapid antigen test onsite under the supervision of a staff member. Students will not be allowed to join classes, workshops, or lessons until a negative result is obtained. If you plan to test onsite, please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start of your event to allow adequate time for testing.
- Proof of vaccination can be presented as:
- SANCA also requires that its staff provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19. Exemptions may be permitted for religious and health reasons as appropriate when approved by Human Resources and/or the Executive Director.
- We recommend all students remain socially distant when possible within SANCA.
- Students and guests who are fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus and/or have provided a negative test result prior to entering the building do not have to remain socially distant from others while participating in contact activities such as partner acrobatics, partner aerial, and catching in the fly tent.
- In order to maintain social distance, coaches will minimize hands on spotting during classes. If a student would like additional support during maneuvers, please ask. Coaches are able to offer more hands-on support when requested, but will maintain social distancing otherwise.
- Our existing waivers still address COVID-19 so students are advised to read them again to understand exposure reporting and other responsibilities.
- According to the waiver, everyone who comes to SANCA represents they are in good health and have had no known exposure to COVID-19 and no symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days prior to entering SANCA’s facility
- If a student develops symptoms of COVID-19, they shall immediately cease entering SANCA’s facility and complete a COVID-19 test.
- If the test is negative and they are not experiencing a fever, they may return to SANCA Immediately.
- If the test is positive, they must remain in isolation for 5 days. They may then return to SANCA as long as they are symptom free.
- If symptoms persist after 5 days of isolation, the student must remain out until symptoms subside and they have been fever free for 24 hours.
- Students do not need to retest after the stated isolation period, but should continue to mask and social distance when returning to activities (per CDC guidelines).
- If a student develops symptoms of COVID-19, they shall immediately cease entering SANCA’s facility and complete a COVID-19 test.
- If an individual has a known exposure to COVID-19, the student must immediately quarantine and complete a COVID-19 test 5 days after the date of exposure
- If an individual tests negative, they are welcome to immediately return to activities. However, they should remain isolated if any symptoms are present and only return to activities once they are post-symptomatic.
- If the test is positive, they must remain in isolation for 5 days. They may then return to SANCA as long as they are symptom free.
- If symptoms persist after 5 days of isolation, they student must remain out until symptoms subside and they have been fever free for 24 hours.
- Students do not need to retest after the stated isolation period, but should continue to mask and social distance when returning to activities (per CDC guidelines).
- SANCA is following CDC guidelines for contact tracing. Students and staff who have been identified as exposed (having been within 6ft of an individual who tested positive of COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more) will be notified by email and phone.
- If you receive notification that you have experienced an exposure, please follow the guidelines listed above regarding quarantining and testing.
- Due to the ongoing risks associated with COVID-19 and the overall reduced facility size at SANCA, we do not currently have a viewing room. In general, parents, family, and guests of students are asked to wait outside of SANCA’s facilities during their student’s class.
- Any parent who wishes to observe a class may do so by requesting access. Requests must be made through the SANCA Front Office at least 24 hours in advance of the class. To request access, please call (206) 652-4433 or email [email protected].
- Cleaning supplies are stocked and placed in designated, visible areas around SANCA. Signage accompanying the supplies provides instructions for which cleaning supplies can be used on each type of equipment. Staff members are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of equipment during and between classes. All mats and any equipment used during a class must be cleaned before being put away.
SANCA recognizes that our understanding of COVID-19 and recommended precautions regarding the virus may change rapidly. SANCA reserves the right to alter these policies as needed based on new information, whether regarding COVID-19 or other factors, with or without advance notice.
If you have questions or concerns about this policy, please contact Octavia Graham.