Institutional Giving

Thank You!

SANCA is proud to acknowledge the support of the following companies, foundations, and family funds.

Much of our ability to provide circus arts education and performance comes from companies’ and institutions’ commitment to the arts and our community. Institutional support helps us reach thousands of students through our programs. Simply put, we couldn’t do it without you. Your contribution at any level will help our programs thrive and will help you satisfy your goals for philanthropy, marketing, and community participation. To learn more about sponsoring SANCA’s events or programs, contact SANCA’s Development Officer at 206-257-4106.

mag7 group sancathon 2012

“We believe we should be changing the world one kid at a time.
SANCA is part of the foundation of our business. You’re a part of the family.”
— Michelle Harvey, Orcas Business Park

2020 - 2023 Support

$10,000 and more


The Carla Y. DeVrieze
Memorial Fund

$5,000 - $9,999


Edward A. Taft Trust



$1,000 - $4,999

Jimenez Family


Seattle Local 19

Growing Tree

Amazon Community Fund

The Kence Fund

PayPal Giving Fund


Up to $999

Amazon Smile Foundation



Matching Gifts & Employee Fund Drives

American Online Giving Foundation

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Employee Matching Gifts Program

Boeing Matching Gifts Program

Cambia Health Foundation Matching Gifts Program

Federal Express Employee Giving Campaign

Google Inc. Matching Gifts Program

King County Employee Giving Program

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program