Tag Archives: staff show

SANCA Staff Show: Summer on the Cirque Riviera

Fun in the sun and good times to be had for all at Summer on the Cirque Riviera! Take a stroll through the Mercado del Mar. Catch some rays poolside with buff babes and saucy sailors, but beware of pool sharks! Or just relax and beat the heat with a glass of wine, or perhaps something stronger at Cirkuski Kafić where you may even catch a glimpse of the Green Fairy.

Summer on the Cirque Rivera will keep you cool with daring feats of acrobatics, waltzing cyr wheel, trampoline, lyra, tightwire, aerial rope, and much more!

SANCA’s staff works hard all year long, bringing you the joy of circus! Now let them share with you their love of performance as they twist, turn, tumble, and twirl their way through a day on the Cirque Rivera.

Director: Milla Marshall
Choreography: Rachel Randall Technical
Director: Amanda Zwar
Performers include: Emma Curtiss, Jasmine Manuel, Faye Visintainer, Tom Hanna, Kaitlin Lindburg, KJ Saur, Aryeh Lax, Karellyn Holston, Jeramie Hardi, Zach Holmberg, Tania Nambo-Escobar, and Rachel Randall

August 18th, 7pm
August 19th, 7pm
August 20th, 5pm

Broadway Performance Hall
1625 Browadway
Seattle, WA 98122


Adults $20, youth 12 & under $12.
Please reserve your seat at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3042026

How to Adult: SANCA Staff Show

What does it mean to become an adult? When does this happen, and why are some people so ahead of the curve? For many growing people, becoming an adult coincides with leaving college, or moving out of the parents’ house into one’s own rented apartment. Suddenly, you have insane amounts of freedom and responsibility! Is furniture necessary? Why bother learning to cook? Is there an important reason why clothes shouldn’t be kept in the laundry basket after being cleaned?

Join our performers as they move away from home, get new roommates, fall in love (and break up), get jobs, and learn to navigate freedom! As they struggle with understanding that no one will adult for them anymore, the question becomes more clear: “We all have to grow up, but can we still play?”

This exciting collaboration showcases an amazing variety of traditional and modern circus arts, including Aerial Trapeze, Partner Acrobatics, Aerial Rope, Object Manipulation, Swinging Rings, Slack Rope, Duo Trapeze, German wheel, and more!

Performers include: Alyssa Hellrung, Audrey Spinazola, Milla Marshall, Stefanie Brendler, Laura Miller, Faye Visitainier, Alyssa Luna, Sara Havercamp, Zora Blade, and Jasmine Manuel

The Circus Animal: a Nature Documentary (Staff Show)

Come see the never-before-revealed mysteries of the circus kingdom! Learn about the mysterious behaviors of the ring reptile, the night time aerial adventures of the spider, and the secret desires of the flamingo in this new mock-documentary show. Visit the wilds of SANCA and witness the strange and wonderful mannerisms of circus creatures in this new show featuring the original circus animal – HUMANS.

This exciting collaboration showcases an amazing variety of traditional and modern circus arts, including Chinese pole, Partner Acrobatics, Aerial Rope, Handbalancing, German wheel, Aerial Rings, Slack Line and more!

Saturday evenings join us for a jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring Late Nite show by the SANCA School of Flight staff and stay for an after-party in our fly tent sponsored by Fremont Brewing Company!

Circus Animal- SANCA Staff show poster

Tom Hanna
Sara Havercamp
Stefanie Brendler
Maile Gove
Orville Zharoff
Milla Voellinger
Scotty Walsh
Kelsa Dine
Leslie Rosen
Jane Walters-Cooke
Megan Strawn
Andreas Fetz
Rachel Randall
Nicholas Lowery

Direction & choreography: Rachel Randall
Filming: Sara Havercamp
Sound design: Andrew Wheatley
Lights: Amanda Zwar

August  21-23 & 28-30, 2015 •  All shows 7pm • Saturday Late Nite Fly Show  & After Party 9pm

Tickets at brownpapertickets.com/event/1789695

SANCA’s Summer Circus Festival

SANCA is honored to present our talented staff in their own show. Everyday Miracles, transforms everyday actions through the beauty of circus, elevating the mundane into the marvelous.  Circus artists are superheroes performing these little miracles every day, affecting other people, spreading mystery and joy.

Artists performing in the SANCA Staff Show include: Rachel Randall & Nick Lowery, Bridget Gunning, Professor Scotty Walsh, Noa Schnitzer, Leslie Rosen, Mick Holsbeke, Zach Holmbergh, Orville Zharoff & Lauren Kettner.

SANCA resident collective Acrobatic Conundrum will be appearing as the second half for the weekend of August 15-17.

IMPulse Circus Collective will be appearing as the second half for the weekend of August 22-24.

Also part of the Festival: SANCA is proud to produce it’s first late night variety show directed by David Crellin aka Armitage Shanks.  An evening of raucous thrills with live music & special guests.

Our Friday August 15th Show includes: Armitage Shanks, Marta Brown, Esther de Monteflores & Laura Burch, Nash Fung, Duo Finelli, Jenny Penny, Miss Adra Boo, Professor Scotty Walsh,  Bridget Gunning with live music by Bucharest Drinking Team.

Our Friday August 22nd Show includes:
Professor Scotty Walsh, Bridget Gunning, Tanya Brno, Duo Finelli, Vivian Tam & Gunnar Field, Esther de Monteflores & Laura Burch, Jenny Penny, Armitage Shanks, Marta Brown, with live music by Chaotic Noise Brigade.

Falling Upward

Set against the backdrop of The Great Depression, Falling Upward is a celebration of the endurance and the creativity of the human spirit. The show is a tribute to the challenges and triumphs of everyday people as well as to iconic artists and works of the 1930s.

This exciting collaboration showcases an amazing variety of traditional and modern circus arts, including acrobatics, tight-wire walking, juggling, Chinese pole, hand balancing, aerial acts, and more.

Come see some of your favorite SANCA coaches perform in this all-new show! Performances include Arne Bystrom and Zora Blade performing a hand-to-hand acrobalance duet; Duncan Davenport with amazing trick roping; Nick Lowery defying gravity on the Chinese Pole; and many more.

Directors: Vivian Tam and Nickolai Pirak
Choreographer: Rachel Randall
Technical Director: Amanda Zwar

Pirates of the Carabiners

A pirate-themed circus show brought to you by the Death-Defying Do-Gooders, the SANCA staff. Our send off performance for Terry Crane as we say “See you later” to our instructor and friend.

Performances by:
Terry Crane
Crystal Campbell
Rachel Randall
Jonathan Rose
Kendra Greaves (San Francisco Circus Center)
Erica Rubinstein & Marta Brown
Nickolai Pirak
& more….

Seating is on the gym floor. Please bring a cushion to help make yourself more comfortable.