Thomas Evans

My name is Thomas Evans, I am from Bothell, Washington.

At the age of 16 I found SANCA through the Internet and decided I would give circus a try. At the time SANCA was in a much smaller space than what it is now. I have watched SANCA grow so much since then, and I am so proud of Jo Montgomery and Chuck Johnson and everyone involved for keeping the dream alive.

Coming from a gymnastic and diving background, SANCA took me in with open arms and taught me so many things about the circus world and gave me the opportunity to train in their facility and under their coaching staff.

In 2006, Chuck referred me for a position as an acrobat in a small jump rope troupe to perform cooperate events for Cirque du Soleil. If not for Chuck referring me to this position, I would not be where I am today.

In 2007, I moved to Quebec City to train at The Circus School of Quebec. I would not have been accepted to the school if not for the training and help I received from the staff at SANCA. They helped me so much and supported me in all of my circus endeavors.

I am currently working for Cirque du Soleil in Macau, China, for their resident show at the Venetian called “ZAIA.” If it weren’t for Jo and Chuck’s vision to see circus performers grow and keep this dream alive I know that I, and I’m sure other performers from Seattle, would not be where we are today. I am truly thankful for so much that SANCA provides to the community.

Coming into SANCA is such a breathe of fresh air. I love to see them outreach to so many parts of the community. It really touches my heart to see the work that SANCA does and the ongoing dedication to providing opportunities circus arts to people of all ages.

SANCA provides a worry-free, fun environment for students to come and enjoy exercise in a fun and interesting way. Whether just for fun and exercise, or for professional training, I know that SANCA is the place to be for everyone interested in circus. I can truly say that I would certainly not be where I am now if it was not for SANCA. They have changed my life in so many ways and given me a way to express and perform my art form. SANCA will take anyone regardless of size, age, or social class, as long as you have the willingness to try something new.

Thomas 3I want to thank Jo and Chuck and all the staff at SANCA for giving me such a beautiful experience during my teen years. Looking back now I can fully appreciate everything I was given and how lucky I was to find an environment where I could train with other people who also loved circus in such a carefree, loving, and accepting space. I want to wish SANCA all the best in the future years and congratulations on opening the new flying trapeze program. This is a huge accomplishment for SANCA and all my admiration goes to everyone that was involved in putting it together. Thank you so much, you will always be in my heart.