Tag Archives: Scotty Walsh

SANCA’s Summer Circus Festival

SANCA is honored to present our talented staff in their own show. Everyday Miracles, transforms everyday actions through the beauty of circus, elevating the mundane into the marvelous.  Circus artists are superheroes performing these little miracles every day, affecting other people, spreading mystery and joy.

Artists performing in the SANCA Staff Show include: Rachel Randall & Nick Lowery, Bridget Gunning, Professor Scotty Walsh, Noa Schnitzer, Leslie Rosen, Mick Holsbeke, Zach Holmbergh, Orville Zharoff & Lauren Kettner.

SANCA resident collective Acrobatic Conundrum will be appearing as the second half for the weekend of August 15-17.

IMPulse Circus Collective will be appearing as the second half for the weekend of August 22-24.

Also part of the Festival: SANCA is proud to produce it’s first late night variety show directed by David Crellin aka Armitage Shanks.  An evening of raucous thrills with live music & special guests.

Our Friday August 15th Show includes: Armitage Shanks, Marta Brown, Esther de Monteflores & Laura Burch, Nash Fung, Duo Finelli, Jenny Penny, Miss Adra Boo, Professor Scotty Walsh,  Bridget Gunning with live music by Bucharest Drinking Team.

Our Friday August 22nd Show includes:
Professor Scotty Walsh, Bridget Gunning, Tanya Brno, Duo Finelli, Vivian Tam & Gunnar Field, Esther de Monteflores & Laura Burch, Jenny Penny, Armitage Shanks, Marta Brown, with live music by Chaotic Noise Brigade.