The Acrobatic Conundrum return to Seattle with TWO new shows!

The Acrobatic Conundrum, the contemporary circus group founded by Terry Crane, have spent the last three months touring the western United States with their show, Love and Gravity. Now they have returned to Seattle presenting two new shows: a cabaret, “Volume 5,” and an evening-length performance, “The Fig Tree Waltzes.”

The Acrobatic Conundrum have been artists-in-residence at SANCA briefly this fall, in preparation for their shows at 12th Ave Arts, and we caught up with Terry after one of his training sessions at SANCA to ask him a few questions.

SANCA – “A circus artist trains and works so hard in bringing their art to the stage. Powering up with healthy food must be very important. What is the best snack to pair with your apparatus of choice?”

Terry: ” I just started learning multi-cord. Definitely pairs well with spaghetti. I guess that makes me the meatball.”

SANCA – “What do you take with you on the road to help you feel like you aren’t a homeless vagabond?”

Terry: “Not a homeless vagabond… what an idea. I take a posse of 5 other circus artists so I feel like a wandering saltimbanco. I also take an e-reader everywhere so my whole library can follow me. ”

SANCA– “Finish this sentence: At the end of a best day in circus I feel…”

Terry: “…like an underground rockstar. Top of the charts, but living out of my mom’s garage. I’m not really… I swear. Circus makes me feel like a happy human; strong, agile and with a subtle swagger.”

You can see The Acrobatic Conundrum perform in December, but don’t hesitate or they’ll be off again on a new adventure! Tickets for their shows can be found .