COVID FAQ: January 5, 2021

FAQ: How is SANCA Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Dated: January 5, 2021

When will SANCA start offering classes again?
Governor Jay Inslee has announced that SANCA cannot offer classes until at least January 12, 2021. As
a result, SANCA will remain closed until then. His first order had us closed through December 14. It
was extended to January 4, and most recently extended to January 11.

When can we enroll in Winter Session classes?
There is no set date for when SANCA will open enrollment for Winter Session. It is necessary for us to
know that we can open before we begin taking students, so it’s possible that we may not be able to
announce enrollment until very close to the end of the current shut down.

It will take about one week from the time we know we can open until we host our first class. Partly,
this is necessary for us to update all class listings to fit the new opening date. Additional time will be
needed to promote to our student base (and beyond) that enrollment is open, and then give our
students time to actually enroll in classes. After all, if we reopen but students haven’t had time to
enroll in classes, that won’t work!

As of today, we are hopeful that SANCA can reopen on January 17 at the latest. If the Governor
makes an announcement before January 11 that we can reopen on January 12, we may be able to
open earlier.

Will SANCA survive this latest closure and the uncertain future?
Despite the many challenges the pandemic and closures have caused SANCA, the short answer is YES,
we will survive. In 2020, the SANCA community has stepped up generously with record-breaking
levels of giving. Individual giving has doubled from 2019 levels ($184,109) to nearly $400,000 this
year. Overall, contributed income – which includes COVID relief grants, foundation giving, employer
matches, and the federal government’s PPP loan (forgiven) – are near $1 million. That’s up from
$466,088 in 2019.

This is incredible! SANCA’s supporters and students – all of YOU – have made it possible for SANCA to
survive the pandemic’s closures and reduced operations. Not only is SANCA able to survive to now, it
has built up a reserve that will help us weather the storm even if pandemic restrictions continue for
all of 2021. We are so grateful for this generous, loving community!

We still have work to do, though. SANCA’s earned revenue losses exceed $900,000 in total, and will
likely continue to grow. So the overall losses are greater than the increased giving, but we have also done everything we can to reduce and eliminate expenses. SANCA will end 2020, somewhat
miraculously, with a surplus.

SANCA still needs your help. Our Fall Appeal is ongoing through December 31. Your gift before the
end of the year will support SANCA in this time of need, help us continue to offer online classes and
limited in-person classes (when permitted and safe), provide scholarships to low-income youth, and
support our incredible staff.

Since this last update, our year-end appeal has continued this level of success as SANCA supporters like you helped us reach a $15,000 match. We also have been approved for a grant from the State of Washington specifically for COVID relief of $12,500. We will have final numbers on all 2020 giving later in the winter.

What is the plan for the Up With a Twist event?
SANCA’s big glamorous fundraiser usually occurs in February each year. The 2020 event was a huge
hit! Due to the pandemic, Twist is postponed to late summer or early fall 2021. SANCA leadership is
waiting until later in the Winter or early Spring to make a determination if that event will be held in-
person like always, or if it will be conducted as an online streaming show.

What safety measures are in place when the gym reopens?
To ensure the safety of our students, staff, and surrounding community, and in consideration of
public health, SANCA has developed and continually updated new policies and procedures in regards
to sanitation and social distancing to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Masks are required. No one will be admitted entry to SANCA without a mask that covers nose and
mouth. Masks must be worn inside the facility, even when working out.

Learn about all of SANCA’s safety procedures during the COVID pandemic.

What else is SANCA doing to recover lost revenue?
SANCA’s leadership has been incredibly busy, even during full closures, as they seek out and apply for
relief grants and other means of support. We have monitored just about every available avenue of
support and relief funding, including the State of Washington’s recent offering to support restaurants
and fitness centers shutdown by the recent closure.

If you are aware of other sources of support that SANCA should approach, please let us know by
emailing Development Director Jeff Deveaux at

If you have additional questions about SANCA’s financial status or wish to see financial reports,
please contact Executive Director John Tannous at

Dated: December 9, 2020. This FAQ will be updated regularly.