Welcome to Online Registration!

Please be sure to review the following pages before you register:

If the embedded program listing below doesn’t work (Safari and Amilia do not play well together), try viewing our Amilia store directly here!
If you are having any enrollment issues, contact the front office at the appropriate location and our staff will assist you with your registration.
For SANCA classes, email office@sancaseattle.org or call (206) 652-4433. 
For ECTA classes, email ECTAoffice@sancaseattle.org or call (206) 906-9442. 


Cancellation and Refund Policy

There will be NO REFUNDS or in-house credit offered to students when they cancel their enrollment in a class or miss a class.

Youth Companies: to enroll, you’ll need access to a special link. Please contact the Front Office by email or call (206) 652-4433 to request that link.