The Sky is the Limit (Gravity is optional)

SANCA, Seattle’s non-profit school of Acrobatics & New Circus Arts, has been a place for everybody. A space where artists, athletes, and curious beings to come explore, train, and perform.

SANCA lays south of the “Emerald City,” with the God-like mount Rainier watching over the land. As I have experienced it; Seattle is a city in which you can see amazing views of the country just outside of its borders.

Circus is defined to me as an artistic athleticism in which pushes the limits of our physical, mental, and emotional boundaries. Once we learn the fundamentals, we can apply it to other aspects of life.

When I was asked to paint this mural, my idea was to incorporate the city, the landscape, the moon, stars, and sky. This is within the realm of the elements, of night, and day. You can find the “luna”(moon) lyra artist, a “sol” (sun) silk aerialist hanging in the rays, and in between, a person jumping through a hula-hoop over the city

From the perspective of a spectator witnessing the magnificence that is the city and the circus artists; You will see that two hands- with these hands wide open, we are able to give and receive.

These hands belong to You; The Viewer. From wherever You come from, whatever You may look like, You also hold the ability to be apart of this journey. You will find that in the spectrum of circus arts, that there is a place for You here whether it may be in acro, aerials, juggling, tumbling, flowing, etc.

These hands welcome You, and will be a safe space to have you as You are. These hands will guide You to explore, experience, and challenge You. These hands can show You, that with practice, You can go above, & beyond, even past a physical limitation.

You may transcend the mind where you will find that the sky is the limit, and discover gravity is optional.

Leila Smith – Visual Artist