Tag Archives: #sancaseattle

Winter 2 classes

SANCA has a large class selection for all ages with classes in all things from juggling to flying trapeze! Check out the list below to view classes that are still available for this session. You can learn more about each class by visiting their respective link or by browsing on your own here.



Preteen Circus

Flying Trapeze for Everyone

Adult Partner Acro 3 Jam (DROP-IN)

Adult Advanced Flying Trapeze


Adult aerial fundamentals (DROP-IN)

Strength & Flex (Online)

Kid Circus

Preteen Aerial 2

Circus for Non-Traditional Athletes

Adult Advanced Trapeze

Flying Trapeze for Everyone  (DROP-IN)

Adult Intermediate Rope


Handbalance 1 (Online)

Kid Circus

Conditioning with Straps & Rings


Teen/Adult Beginner Trapeze & Lyra 1

Teen/Adult Beginner Lyra 2

Adult Aerial Fundamentals

Parkinson’s Circus


Handstand Jam (DROP-IN)

Teen Beginner Aerial 1

Intro to Juggling


10 AM Flying Trapeze for Everyone (DROP-IN)

12 PM Flying Trapeze for Everyone  (DROP-IN)

1 PM Flying Trapeze for Everyone  (DROP-IN)

Adult Aerial Strength & Flex (DROP-IN)

12 PM Adult Handbalancing 1\2 (DROP-IN)

1 PM Adult Handbalancing 1\2 (DROP-IN)

Teen Circus

Adult Beginner Trapeze 1


Intro to Chinese Pole 


Juggle Jam (DROP-IN)

10 AM Flying Trapeze for Everyone  (DROP-IN)

11 AM Flying Trapeze for Everyone (DROP-IN)

12 PM Flying Trapeze for Everyone  (DROP-IN)

When You Know You’re Strong – Circus Strong!

Make your End-of-Year Gift for SANCA’s Youth Scholarship Fund today!

One of the most amazing things about circus is that it empowers Every Body.

Julaine in the middle! Performing a 3-high during “Acro-Biographies: Flipping the Page.” (2017) – photo by John Cornicello

Whether building confidence, overcoming fears, or becoming stronger in mind and body, it’s that moment of “I DID IT!” that circus provides which can transform a life.

Julaine Hall knows this better than most. You’ve probably seen Julaine on stage in a Cirrus Circus show – maybe as recently as this fall for “Acro-Biographies: Flipping the Page.” At 13 years old, she’s one of the stars of Cirrus Circus, and was invited to perform at Teatro ZinZanni’s fall 2016 family matinee shows. When she’s not on stage, then she’s working hard, practicing and rehearsing at SANCA at least five days a week on her Chinese Pole act and other circus skills.

Some of her other favorite apparatus include corde lisse, static trapeze, and aerial straps. If you know circus, then you know these all require a lot of strength! Julaine enjoys the challenges these circus apparatus give her and she says, “I may not have been born the most flexible, but I feel like my body is built for more strength based skills and acts.”

Being circus strong is a great foundation for fitness, for performance, and for life. As Julaine looks toward her future, she hopes to one day attend École de cirque de Québec – the circus training center in Quebec City and to launch a professional career in circus performance.

Julaine hangs out during “Acro-Biographies: Flipping the Page.” (2017) – photo by John Cornicello

“I think about circus all the time. It’s a lot of my life.”

Performing on Chinese Pole during “Up, with a Twist.” (2017) – photo by John Cornicello.

But that’s not all! Julaine is also thinking about what comes after performance, and she’s inspired by SANCA’s resident doctor of physical therapy, Emily Scherb – who was also a circus artist. Like Emily, Julaine wants to balance her performing career with the knowledge and skill to carry forward in the circus community as a caretaker and physical therapist. With a unique understanding of the challenges and demands that circus and performance place upon the body, she’ll be able to give back to the circus community even after she retires from performance.

Julaine’s success in circus and her ambitions for her future career might not have been possible without the support of SANCA’s Youth Scholarship Fund. Julaine was able to access the fund at a time when her family was dealing with expensive medical costs, and she didn’t have to give up on her passion for circus. Her commitment and achievements speak to how vital SANCA’s scholarship fund is to providing access to all youth in our community.

You can support our Youth Scholarship Fund by making a gift during our end-of-year campaign. No amount is too small, every contribution will make a difference for youth like Julaine who are discovering through circus that they are strong!

Meet Mose – A SANCA Student

Make your End-of-Year Gift today to change the life of a teen like Mose!

“When we first moved to Seattle, life was hard because it was a new place. At SANCA I felt included. Like I belonged.”

The first day in a new school can be really tough for almost any kid.

For youth who struggle with connections and social skills that others take for granted, moving to a new home and starting a new school where you don’t know anyone can be terrifying.That’s what it was like for Mose when he first moved to Seattle and started 5th grade at a new school. For Mose, everything seemed too loud and chaotic, and he retreated, covering his ears with headphones and pulling up his hoodie. He became more defensive and isolated.

Alex, Mose, and his mom, Valerie.

Alex, Mose, and his mom, Valerie.

At the same time though, Mose wanted to fit in and do things that other kids were doing like sports and summer camp activities. He really wanted to learn how to do flips, but he didn’t believe that he was physically capable of doing the things other kids were doing. So his mom, Valerie, started looking for options that would work for Mose.

And then his mom found out about SANCA.

Valerie spoke with Coach Alex about Mose’s challenges, and Alex had the perfect solution for acrobatic classes for Mose. Alex leads SANCA’s Every Body’s Circus (EBC) Program, which gives kids who have physical, emotional, or developmental disabilities the same opportunities to participate in fun, healthy, confidence-building circus activities that other kids do.

Mose started taking classes with Alex, and it wasn’t long before she discovered that Mose had a great imagination and that he really liked telling stories. Together they developed an epic story that let Mose and Alex play out parts of the story while they were doing circus activities and propelled their lessons from week to week.

Valerie and Alex noticed that Mose’s physical abilities improved, but more importantly, he stopped comparing his abilities unfavorably to others, and he became excited about the new things he was learning.

At the same time, Alex was working with several other boys whose challenges were similar to Mose’s. She discovered that they all shared a passion for the same video game and decided that forming a group class for the kids based on their shared interests would be a great way for them to build friendships and social connections while they learn circus skills.

“Being at SANCA is the best part of the week because it starts the weekend!” – Mose

Now, Mose takes a weekly group circus class and a class with Alex. In the group classes, in addition to learning circus, the kids get to:

  • Learn to work as a team, and take turns being the leader.
  • Learn to express their feelings, and learn how to say “no.”
  • Develop a sense of personal space.

Mose is learning to trust people, and now he has a safe place to reflect and talk through things that are happening in his life.

Circus can change lives — and you can help be part of that change too! Alex’s EBC program is in such high demand that more than 10 kids are on a waitlist, and some may have to wait as long as a year before they can take EBC classes at SANCA.

The only way we can help these kids is by hiring and training more coaches to work with them. With a larger team of trained coaches SANCA will be able to provide more group classes, summer camps, and one-to-one lessons for youth who need extra support. Often this includes joining regular circus session classes with peers in their age group, with just an extra coach on hand to help out when needed.

Make your gift to SANCA today to guarantee life-changing opportunities for kids like Mose.
$41.89 — covers the cost of two 1-hour circus classes.
$253 — underwrites a 12-week session of circus classes.
$1,005 — gives a student circus classes for an entire year!

We cannot do this work without your help.

With deepest gratitude,

Kristina Wicke
Executive Director

P.S. Send your gift of $41.89 or more before December 31st to cover the cost of two 1-hour circus classes for kids like Mose. If your employer matches, you can double the power of your gift! You can also give online or set up a monthly giving plan.  

Social Circus: Community, Empowerment, & Play


Article by Ian Jagel,
Social Circus Director


There is power in circus.

It is an invaluable experience for the children in our shelter and transitional housing program to have a fun, active, invigorating field trip. The moms in our program are extremely stressed out and overwhelmed with court dates, housing appointments, food banks, parenting plans … the list seemingly never ends. As much as they wish they could provide fun activities for their children, it often isn’t realistic in times of crisis. The field trips to SANCA provide an extremely necessary outlet for the kids’ energy, [and their] desire to connect with safe adults and to try new things. [The] kids had such a sense of pride and accomplishment after they went on the flying trapeze. While a sense of accomplishment is important for every child, it is especially important for kids in our program who have been severely traumatized. Oftentimes, they were around violent or unsupportive parental figures who made them feel like nothing they did was good enough, severely impacting their sense of worth and autonomy. This active, supportive, positive environment was extremely impactful on our community’s most vulnerable children. Thank you so much for your skilled instructor’s support, encouragement, and above all for this opportunity. We cannot thank you enough!
—Kayla Blau, Children’s Advocate, Broadview Shelter & Transitional Housing Program

Ian Jagel works with a group of teens from Refugee Women's Alliance (ReWA).

Ian Jagel works with a group of teens from Refugee Women’s Alliance (ReWA).

Yesterday’s class was AWESOME! The kids were really into it, and they all seem excited to move forward … The physical aspect of circus is what appeals to most of the kids. The [performance] aspect is much more scary, and it’s the part that I really hope we can get them excited about, since that’s where this program has the potential to be truly transformative … The great thing about this program is that words are supplementary and the body is the primary site of expression, which puts these kids on a different footing than they’re used to.
      — Deepa Bhandaru, Lead Teacher and Program Coordinator, Refugee Women’s Alliance (ReWA)

The feedback from Kayla Blau and Deepa Bhandaru illustrates the transformative power of circus. It is an honor to work with the youth from the Broadview Shelter and ReWA here at SANCA — the circus school with the most regularly enrolled students in the United States. At SANCA we have a unique and exciting opportunity to be leader in the world of circus arts education and part of the Social Circus movement.

Social Circus is an innovative social intervention approach that uses circus arts to assist with participants’ personal and social development by nurturing their self-esteem, and help them to build trust in others, acquire social skills, become active citizens, express their creativity, and realize their potential. Social Circus is a powerful catalyst for creating social change because it helps marginalized individuals assume their place within a community and enrich that community with their talents. In nearly every country in the world, Social Circus programs are developing innovative, multi-disciplinary approaches to positively impact those most at-risk in their communities. Initially a grassroots movement, Social Circus is now a global network.

At SANCA we’re looking to circus programs across the world for connection with the global circus community and asking, “What is the most compelling work being done in circus education? What approaches are most effective in manifesting personal and collective transformation through circus arts? Who can benefit?”

Youth from ReWA learn to juggle and pass rings.

Youth from ReWA learn to juggle and pass rings.

The more we ask, the more we realize that SANCA is already a leader. We are exploring new approaches to the Social Circus movement. Recently, the American Circus Educators (ACE) organization recognized SANCA in their new network of national Social Circus programs that meet the needs of at-risk populations and address social issues such as social isolation, the impact of trauma and violence, and the lack of access to arts and cultural activity.

As we connect with the broader world community of Social Circus, we’re busy cultivating relationships locally. You don’t need to go across the world to find refugees, trauma survivors, or homeless youth — they are all right here in Seattle. We know because SANCA works with hundreds of these kids every year. You’ll see SANCA coaches teaching regular circus classes in community centers and public schools in the Delridge, South Park, Rainier Valley, and Beacon Hill neighborhoods. In these community programs, we’re emphasizing youth development, social inclusion, and physical play. This spring, we’re expanding our ongoing partnerships with more classes and adding Garfield Community Center as a new partner.

Teens from the Refugee Women's Alliance learn to work together balancing and sharing body weight in preparation for acrobatics.

Teens from ReWA learn to work together balancing and sharing body weight in preparation for acrobatics.

Another new partner, the Refugee Women’s Alliance (ReWA), is nearing the end of their first session and the participants are collectively developing a culminating performance to share with family and friends. We’re already looking forward to more classes with them this summer.

SANCA’s Every Body’s Circus program is also growing with several new students enrolled. Guided by SANCA coach and licensed Social Worker Alex Daves, we now offer individual and group therapy using circus as a therapeutic medium. To give you an idea of the extraordinary level of commitment to this work, every SANCA employee — about 70 of us — have become certified under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). That’s a $5,000 investment to ensure the privacy and security of individuals participating in the EBC program. SANCA is united behind this work.

This is only the beginning — there are countless unexplored avenues of circus transformation. Looking forward, we will expand our therapeutic and outreach work with adults, strengthen our connections with current students, and discover new communities interested in the benefits of circus arts.

SANCA is more than a school — it’s a community made rich by our broad cross-section of students. Thank you for making SANCA the wonderful community that it is!

Meet Julaine – Cirrus Circus Student Spotlight

amber headshot sq

Interview by Amber Parker,
Every Body’s Circus Coach


In March our youth performance company, Cirrus Circus, held try outs for students to display their skills and earn a coveted spot in the dynamic ensemble. Cirrus welcomed several new students to the troupe, one of whom is 12 year old Julaine Hall. I sat down with Julaine to talk about her experience at SANCA, her devotion to circus, and this exciting next step in her career as a performer.

Julaine (center) basing a pyramid of Cirrus Circus acrobats.

Julaine (center) basing a pyramid of acrobats.

Amber: How long have you been at SANCA?

Julaine: I’ve being doing circus since I was about two-and-a-half years old and I’m 12 now. I’ve been performing since I was five, and I’ve never taken a quarter off. Not even summer.

Amber: Wow! You’ve been coming here since you were a toddler. Can you remember a time when you didn’t have circus in your life?

Julaine: No!

Amber: You’re having the coolest childhood! So, after you began at age two, what happened next?

Juliane: I started with general circus classes and then I went on to the Amazing Circus 1-ders, then on to the Magnificent 7, and I just got into Cirrus Circus on March 4th.

Amber: Congratulations! That’s a great achievement. So, what do you love about circus?

Julaine: Well, when I was little, before I began at SANCA, my mom tried putting me in gymnastics but they had too many rules. Circus is much more about of the box, it’s more fun. I’ve always loved doing tricks but when I got to perform and make acts it was even cooler!

Amber: What was the first circus skill you ever felt really good at?

Julaine (bottom left) performing with other members of Cirrus Circus.

Julaine (bottom left) performing with other members of Cirrus Circus.

Julaine: Forward rolls probably, when I was really little. Now I can do front flips, back flips on the trampoline, and if I warm up enough, I can do a back flip off the edge of the tumble track. I also do Chinese pole, tumbling, and juggling. Those are some of my strongest skills. Now I’m learning a sequence – round-off/back handspring/back layout/half twist on the tumble-trak, and new tricks on Chinese pole.


Amber: What do you think is challenging about circus arts?

Julaine: Well, I’ve never gotten seriously hurt, but if something seems new and scary, sometimes you just have to power through and keep on doing it. That’s a challenge when you’re scared, it’s hard to just do it again.

Amber: What do you imagine for your future in the circus?

Julaine: I think it would be fun to go all the way through Cirrus Circus and then become a circus coach. I really want to be a coach in my 20’s and maybe in my 30’s. I think it might be fun to be in something like Acrobatic Conundrum as an adult. But mostly I want to be a coach and work with kids. It’ll remind me of the good ole days!

When speaking with Julaine, her passion and excitement for circus and her career at SANCA was palpable. It was amazing to meet a young person with so much commitment, discipline, and vision for the future. Julaine was a scholarship student for a period of time while her family dealt with expensive medical bills on a tight income. Because of SANCA’s scholarship program, Juliane did not have to give up with her passion for circus. Her commitment and achievements speak to how vital SANCA’s scholarship programs are in our community.

“Running Away to Join the Circus” – and dealing with Parkinson’s

From http://www.parkinsonalliance.org/weblog by guest blogger John Cornicello, a Seattle-based portrait photographer Cornicello Photography and a person with Parkinson’s

It all started a few years ago. I was working for a well-known software company. My job had me at a computer, typing, most of the day. I started noticing some “issues.” My left hand was becoming less accurate — DOuble-caps, repeating letters, things like that. I also noticed that my left arm was pulling in towards my body when at rest and it didn’t move/swing as I walked. My piano playing had been actually getting better for a few years, then all of a sudden it started a dive, too.

My first thought was that I suffered some sort of mild stroke. I got a referral to a neurologist, had an MRI, and things looked good. He had me do some basic movements. Then, as he observed me, he suggested that I might have Parkinson’s. I had no tremors. Just the stiff left arm and some cogwheel type of movement in my left wrist.

I had already been taking Ropinerole for restless leg, so we didn’t change anything there. My diet has never been that great, so my wife and I tried to go radical (for me) for a few months with no sugar, carbs, or gluten. I did lose about 20 lbs very quickly. However, I was starting to get some tremors in my left hand. After three months, I went back to dairy and gluten but have managed to keep away from sugared soft drinks.

Concurrently with all of this I had been photographing for a circus school here in Seattle. SANCA is the School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts, one of the largest such schools in the world. I became friends with the owners and at the end of a benefit show in February 2015 I casually mentioned that I had Parkinson’s and asked Jo Montgomery if she had ever worked with Parkinson’s patients. She said she had not, but that I should stop in at the school next Monday. And I’ve been there just about every Monday, since.

I was 57 and pretty sedentary when I started this. Jo started me up slowly with stretching exercises. And then gradually started asking me to try more activities. My initial reaction to most of these has been, “You want me to do what? OK, I can bounce on a trampoline and do some jumping jack type of movements, But now you want me to do a seat drop? And then come back to a standing position?” I dreaded the trampoline for about 2 weeks.


Then it clicked and has become a favorite part of our routine. Next came walking on a balance beam. About 3″ wide and 6″ off the ground. More difficult than expected, but not so bad. I could do that one. Until one day she suggested a tight wire instead. A steel cable about 1/2″ or so wide. Barefoot, Jo would be holding one wrist as I walked back and forth across the wire. I never measured it, but I’m guessing it is a 12 foot distance. Amazingly I did it. And I enjoyed it.

All of this has built good core strength and improved my confidence.


So next came juggling. I’ve never been able to juggle. Maybe it is from lack of discipline and practice.


But I try. Balls, clubs, rings. On my own, I’m really bad. But I found that I can toss 2, 3, or even 5 rings with another person. I believe this routine is helping to make new brain connections that might help with Parkinson’s.
Then back to stretching. When I first started I couldn’t move my left shoulder. I would hold my left arm out to the side and grab a bar and tell it to move up/down and forward/back. And nothing would happen. I could tell my right shoulder to make all sorts of movements and it would. But the left shoulder would just sit there, completely ignoring my commands. I don’t know if is the medications (I started seeing a movement specialist in June 2015, and started Carbo/Leva in September), or all the other exercises, or a combination, but my left shoulder is finally starting to follow instructions and move around in circles when I want it to.

We also do some strength training by doing pull-ups on a trapeze bar and an exercise where I grab a bar above my head against a wall and pull my knees up to my chest 20 times.

Outside of circus school I have set up my home “triathlon” routine where I do a 30 minute routine that consists of a mile on a treadmill, then spin at 80-90 pedal rpm on a stationary bicycle for the balance of the 30 minutes. Then I take a shower.

All of this has helped me maintain a healthy and positive attitude. I consider myself lucky that my tremors are mostly mild and confined to my left hand so they don’t affect my photography. Yes, I’ve started using a tripod more often, but not all the time. I do worry that my left hand tremor might be a distraction to my subjects if my hand starts banging against my tripod. But I do explain the situation if that happens and all seems good.

This past week I found out that one of the members of SANCA’s board of directors has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s and she has joined in on the Monday class. Our first try at juggling rings with each other went remarkably well.

Some days I wonder if I should be more concerned with my Parkinson’s. But so far I have managed to maintain a very upbeat attitude. I really look forward to both the SANCA and the home workouts. And I am somewhat amazed as I learn about more and more friends and colleagues who have some sort of tremors, be they essential tremors or Parkinson’s. This makes me have hope that more people will be learning about these issues leading to more research and the possibility of cures and even prevention. In the meantime, I am now starting to think about boxing lessons with a program like Rock Steady Boxing.

Thank you, John, for sharing your story with my assistant and blogging partner, Gloria Hansen. You are very creative and we applaud your unconventional approach to exercise, which we know is the best medicine for Parkinson’s. — Margaret Tuchman, President of  The Parkinson Alliance

Back to Sports with Title Nine and SANCA!

SANCA Board Member Kristina Wicke

SANCA Board Member Kristina Wicke

SANCA Board Member Kristina Wicke recently sat down with Circus 1-ders Coach Terri Sullivan to chat about SANCA and Title Nine—a women’s athletic sportswear store in Greenlake—and the upcoming Back-to-Sports Fundraiser benefiting SANCA on Thursday, August 27th.

SANCA Coach Terri Sullivan

Terri Sullivan

Kristina and Terri have been friends and circus fans since their days performing as members of the New Old Time Chautauqua. They’ve both been part of SANCA since the beginning – Terri as our first hired Circus Coach, and Kristina as a founding Board Member. Outside of their roles at SANCA, Terri is the District Manager for Title Nine, and Kristina is Store Manager for Title Nine’s Greenlake location.

Kristina Wicke: Why do you think SANCA and Title Nine a good match? And what do they have in common?

Terri Sullivan: You and me for starters! Seriously, there are a ton of things that the organizations share. A SANCA woman IS a Title Nine woman. There is a shared sensibility, style and attitude. I think I’ve told you before, but when I first found the Title Nine store I was excited. I said, “Finally! Here are my clothes! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”

KW: What’s your favorite thing about SANCA?

TS: I love EVERYTHING about SANCA. The most exciting thing is the way that I’ve seen it empower kids to be confident in their bodies. It’s a HUGE skill. That physical confidence allows kids, especially girls, to become capable, strong people – both physically and mentally. Also the Circus 1-ders are awesome!

KW: You are clearly passionate about SANCA. What do you love about Title Nine?

TS: The people. The people that work and shop at Title Nine are awesome. It’s the reason I work there – plain and simple. There’s a wonderfully quirky sensibility at T9. When I first interviewed for my job, I wasn’t really sure if it would be a good fit for me. Then I met all the fabulous folks that I would get to spend time with and I was sold. Just like at SANCA we celebrate out victories and learn from our mistakes. And did I mention that the clothes are pretty great, too?

SANCA Coach Terri Sullivan - keeping in shape at Title Nine!

SANCA Coach Terri Sullivan
keeping in shape – and style! – at Title Nine

KW: Do you have some current favorite T9 outfits?

TS: Oh, heck yeah …. Right now I’m living in the Standby Capri, Alpha-Omega Top and Shift Jacket. They are great for coaching! And I also love the Performance Jean, paired with the Mixologist Tunic.

KW: Why shop at the T9/SANCA Back-to-Sports Event?

TS: First, it’s a great way to support the school. SANCA continues to offer scholarships for kids who can’t afford the tuition on their own. And that work can’t continue without donations and support. Also, you’re going to walk away with fabulous outfits from a great shopping experience. Title Nine is committed to finding the right clothes for you. It’s a win/win! You get a terrific clothes and SANCA benefits!

We’d love to see you there!

SANCA Back-to-Sports Fundraiser at Title Nine
Thursday, August 27, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Anyone who shops at Title Nine and mentions SANCA at checkout will have 9% of their purchase value donated to SANCA in support of all our youth programs.

You can preview Title Nine’s selection of sportswear at: www.titlenine.com

Title Nine – Greenlake
7000 Woodlawn Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115