School for Acrobatics and New Circus Arts (SANCA)
COVID-19 Health & Safety Policy
in effect as of January 6, 2021
SANCA Seattle
COVID Policy – January 6 2021
Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery
Washington Governor Jay Inslee announced the new Healthy Washington Roadmap to Recovery plan that provides guidance to SANCA for its reopening. SANCA is permitted to again host classes and private lessons within guidelines set forth by the Department of Health. We have created this document to provide transparency to our community in how SANCA is interpreting these guidelines as we move forward.
The Healthy Washington guidelines for “Indoor Recreation and Fitness Establishments” states the following:
In Phase 1 (which begins January 12), “low risk sports (including dance, no-contact martial arts, gymnastics, and climbing) permitted for practice and training only in stable groups of no more than 5 athletes”.
- SANCA interprets this line as being the primary line applicable to our gym. SANCA’s activities have most closely aligned with gymnastics per the Governor’s COVID guidelines since the beginning of the pandemic. We interpret “stable groups” to mean 5 students or fewer meeting together at one time. We believe our private lessons fall into this same category.
The next part of the Healthy Washington guidelines states, “Appointment based fitness/training; 45-minute max session, no more than 1 customer/athlete per room or per 500/sq. ft. for large facilities”.
- As a “low risk sport”, we do not believe the second line is directed as us. We believe this sentence is aimed at a more traditional fitness gym where clients are exercising on treadmills, etc. However, we will follow the space guidelines (1 student per 500 sq. ft. for large facilities) laid out in this line as we believe it is the wise thing to do. Classes will be limited to a maximum of two classes per room. The square footage of each room allows for 14 students in the main gym (the room with trampolines, Tumbl Trak, and blue floor), and 10 students in the south annex (the room with the tightwires and hard floor). As such, there will never be more than this number of students in each room at any one time.
SANCA will open enrollment beginning Friday, January 8, at 10:00 A.M. Students can enroll online at or by calling (206) 652-4433. This four-week session will run from January 17 through February 13, 2021. Online classes will continue to be available throughout.
SANCA will continue to stay abreast of any changes to our current guidelines and later in January, SANCA will announce details about the next session that will begin February 14.
Summary of Changes with the August 6, 2020, update:
- Update on numbers of students permitted in each room (see bold text below)
- Detailed mask policy posted (see bold text below)
To ensure the safety of our students, staff, and surrounding community, and in consideration of public health, SANCA will adhere to a new policy in regards to sanitation and social distancing to limit the spread of COVID-19. This policy goes into effect immediately and will continue indefinitely until the SANCA Board of Directors implements an updated or new policy. SANCA will follow the guidelines in the Governor’s requirements for fitness facilities in Phase 2, with additional measures and clarification provided below in this policy.
Following these procedures for cleanliness and sanitation is about reducing the spread of COVID-19 in our larger community: Georgetown, Seattle, Puget Sound, and the Pacific Northwest. SANCA is committed to doing our part to protect the most vulnerable populations regardless of how COVID-19 may affect any one single person.

Large open-air spaces with garage doors open during classes
The Executive Director shall appoint a COVID-19 Supervisor to implement and enforce this Policy during all shifts in which training, classes, and/or camps occur. The COVID-19 Supervisor can be any staff member or volunteer who is appropriately trained to implement and enforce this Policy.
All SANCA staff, volunteers, and students are required to observe and act within the following procedures to help limit the spread of COVID-19.
- Staff, volunteers, and students will monitor their own health and will not enter SANCA facilities if experiencing any symptoms of cold or flu (cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, etc.).
- Everyone who enters the building will wash their hands upon arrival and again before departing. Additional hand washing as appropriate is encouraged.
- Masks must be worn according to the public health order in the state of Washington. The order allows for exceptions that may apply to heavy workouts if approved by the coach of the class or private lesson. The decision of the coach is final. See below for more detailed mask policy.
- Explicit verbal consent is required for any physical contact between any staff, volunteers, and/or students at SANCA. No handshaking, hugs, high-fives or other casual physical contact is permitted in the building.
- Equipment and objects used in training will be sanitized appropriately before and after each class, training session, workshop, performance, and/or private lesson.
- Staff, volunteers, and students will check in with the COVID-19 Supervisor upon arrival and before departure from SANCA.
- Staff, volunteers, and students will abide by any additional requests made by the COVID- 19 Supervisor, Staff Directors, and/or Executive Director, in regards to health and sanitation.
- The facility will be limited to a maximum of three classes of five students each in the North Annex (7,200 sq. ft.), three classes of five students (or 15 students maximum) each in the Main Gym (7,200 sq. ft.), two classes of five students in South Annex (4,800 sq. ft.).*
- The Flying Trapeze tent (4,000 sq. ft.) will be limited to a maximum of two classes of five students each.
- Additional procedures must be followed by everyone at SANCA based on the Stage SANCA is currently active within. Procedures for the current Stage will be posted in the Front Office and implemented and enforced by the COVID-19 Supervisor.

Floors are taped for distancing, plenty of room to distance
*This is lower capacity than the Governor’s limit for SANCA based on fire code, which would require a maximum of 98 students in the facility at one time.
SANCA leadership will also provide ongoing cleaning, supplies, and personnel to follow the following procedures.
- Staff and/or volunteers will sanitize all high touch surfaces (door knobs, handles, faucets, railings, common areas, etc.) at minimum but not limited to three times per day.
- Cleaning supplies will be stocked and placed in designated, visible areas in each of SANCA’s three main rooms. Signage will provide instruction about how cleaning supplies can be used for each type of equipment.
- SANCA will employ a COVID-19 Supervisor to provide health monitoring and enforcement of this policy during all open hours. The COVID-19 Supervisor is tasked with supervising all gym activity to ensure this policy is followed.
- The COVID-19 Supervisor will ask everyone upon entering:
- If they are experiencing any symptoms,
- To be checked for temperature by an infrared thermometer
- To wash their hands,
- To sanitize all equipment before and after use according to instruction
- To purposely not engage in any physical contact with another person except when required by activity, and,
- To seek explicit verbal consent for any physical contact that is needed for training and/or instruction.
- The COVID-19 Supervisor will ensure proper sanitization of equipment.
- The COVID-19 Supervisor will interrupt training and/or instruction when any individual is not following this policy.
- The COVID-19 Supervisor will report any activity that does not follow this policy to the Program Director and/or the Executive Director.
- The COVID-19 Supervisor will ask everyone upon entering:
- Front office staff will ask every individual who enters SANCA’s office to check in with the COVID-19 Supervisor.
- This policy will be posted in the front office, hallway to the staff locker, and in the staff break room.
Wearing Masks
Masks are required. No one will be admitted entry to SANCA without a mask that covers nose and mouth. If students want a mask break, they must go outside.
There is an exception, but it is strictly limited. A student must wear their mask when moving through the facility. Once the student is in the limited physical space where they will exercise, remains six feet away from others not in their household, and does not leave that limited physical space, if the coach approves it, the student may remove their mask while exercising. Once they leave that physical space, they must wear their mask again. This follows the state order for a mask exception.
Because the Governor’s mask order allows for this exception, we will allow it, but it will be solely at the discretion of the coach of the class. If the coach isn’t comfortable with it, all students in that class must wear their masks without exception. If the coach allows it, the students may remove masks only while exercising under these stated conditions. The coach only has authority over the class they are teaching.
Once a student (or staff member) has removed their mask, they are NOT allowed to move freely around the facility without that mask. They must remain in the limited workout area.
Important: masks must be worn without exception for all camps, for all Flying Trapeze classes, and for use of the Tumble Track.
The SANCA COVID-19 Reopening Plan (below) is considered part of this policy and shall be followed according to the Stage currently in effect. All procedures outlined in the current Stage will be followed by all staff, students, and volunteers whenever they are at SANCA.
Reopening Plan for COVID-19
Version 1.1 – July 10, 2020
The mission of SANCA is to improve the mental, emotional, and physical health of children of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities by engaging them in the joyous creativity of acrobatics and circus arts. That statement is crucial as it defines that our work is about health; we use the circus arts to support healthy lives. That is our focus as we respond to this pandemic.
As Seattle begins the slow return to work, COVID-19 remains a concern. Governor Inslee has issued directives that give many businesses the chance to open within strict guidelines. While we are not yet cleared for hosting classes, we can utilize these guidelines to develop policies for slowly reintegrating staff into our gym, and a plan for camps and classes later this summer.
This plan gives us a road map for reopening SANCA but it is not a static document. The intention is to continually update it as new information becomes available, and as state and local government and public health officials provide new guidelines. Dates are not included with each stage because we will have to be responsive to a rapidly changing environment.
Slow the Spread

SANCA has three huge warehouse-style rooms with tall ceilings
It is important to recognize that no facility can reduce all risk of contracting COVID-19. The only way to ensure that a person does not contract the virus is to stay home. Once an individual leaves home to go to the grocery store, go to work, or for any other activity, there is a real chance that they could contract or spread the COVID-19 virus. Over the past two months, the state of Washington has stayed home to give time to our healthcare system and professionals so they can prepare and be ready for the long-term response to this pandemic. All signs point to early success in that effort.
SANCA aims to reduce the risk to the best of its abilities while maintaining some level of operation that allows for circus activities. Staff, students, and individuals who enter SANCA must understand and agree to the risks associated with the spread of the virus, acknowledging that SANCA cannot eliminate all risk. Therefore, only persons who have accepted this risk by signing a liability waiver will be permitted entry to SANCA. No staff member or other individual shall be required to enter SANCA for any reason.
SANCA is currently in Stage Three of this plan.
- No students permitted in the building / stay home order
- Allow SANCA staff training within pods
- F/T staff work on site as needed only
- COVID-19 Supervisor on site during training hours to ensure protocols
- Waiver must be signed electronically for entry (all persons)
- Masks must be worn
- Social distancing required
- Cleaning / disinfecting equipment after use
- All large bay doors remain open for maximum ventilation
- Training times staggered to avoid “passing by” contact
- Staff will not remain in the facility after their designated training time
- All persons entering must have temperature taken by infrared thermometer
- All persons entering must take a short orientation or view a short orientation video*
- Allow SANCA staff training within pods
- Allow private lessons within pods
- No children under the age of 9
- F/T staff work on site in moderation
- COVID-19 Supervisor on site to ensure protocols
- Waiver must be signed electronically for entry (all persons)
- Masks must be worn
- Social distancing required
- Cleaning / disinfecting equipment after use
- All large bay doors remain open for maximum ventilation
- Training times staggered to avoid “passing by” contact
- Staff/students will not remain in the facility after their designated training time
- All persons entering must have temperature taken by infrared thermometer
- All persons entering must take a short orientation or view a short orientation video*
STAGE THREE – SANCA is in this stage as of 7/10/20
- Pods are not required
- Allow SANCA staff training
- Allow private lessons
- Allow classes and camps on a limited basis
- No children under the age of 6
- F/T staff work on site majority of time
- COVID-19 Supervisor on site to ensure protocols
Class/Camp Rules:
- Class limit at 5 students, 1 coach (some exceptions allow for 5:2, where appropriate distancing is possible)
- North Annex maximum number of people: 3 groups
- South Annex maximum number of people: 2 groups
- Main Gym maximum number of people: 3 groups
- Classes have staggered times to avoid students and coaches passing during transition
- Parents cannot wait in building; must leave or be outside during class
- Waiver must be signed electronically for entry (all persons)
- Masks must be worn (some limited exceptions apply)
- Social distancing required
- Cleaning / disinfecting equipment after use
- All large bay doors remain open for maximum ventilation (unless too cold)
- Class times staggered to avoid “passing by” contact as much as possible
- Students will not remain in the facility after class and/or training
- All persons entering must have temperature taken by infrared thermometer
- All persons entering must abide by COVID policy; an orientation video could be shown*
STAGE FOUR – this stage will be rewritten at a later date
- Allow SANCA staff training
- Allow private lessons
- No children under the age of 6
- F/T staff work on site full time
- COVID-19 Supervisor on site to ensure protocols
Class/Camp Rules:
- Class limit at 6 students
- North Annex maximum number of people: 3 groups
- South Annex maximum number of people: 3 groups
- Main Gym maximum number of people: 3 groups
- Classes staggered times to avoid crowds passing in office
- Waiver must be signed electronically for entry (all persons)
- Masks recommended (dependent on public health officials’ requirements)
- Social distancing recommended (dependent on public health officials’ requirements)
- Cleaning / disinfecting equipment after use
- Return to pre-COVID operations
- Waiver must be signed electronically for entry (all persons)
Additional Rules for Camps
- Parents dropping students off must remain within a designated area in front office and are not permitted in any other area of the facility
- Students assigned a single cubbie (labeled) that no one else uses that week
- Any child who shows or expresses symptoms during a camp will be moved to the upstairs parent room, with supervision, until they can be picked up by a parent
- Camps will work within pods as much as possible so contact is limited
*The orientation will cover topics such as when and how to remove a mask (for drinking water or when in highly rigorous training), when to wash hands and use sanitizer, and when and how to clean and disinfect equipment.